a2s philosophy


This page is a draft. Will change later.

Overview of a2s APIs

a2s, released as Ansible role, when not restricted with special variables, will convert the instructions of your Ansible inventory defined on variables started with a2s_.

With some exceptions, most of the time, you can expect that:

  • Naming
    • a2s_APINAMEs that end with letter s accept a list of values, all the others may accept a single value, that may be a string, boolean or a dictionaly (e.g. an “object” like { key: 'valye', key2: 'value2 })
  • Standard APIs reuse same Ansible documentation
    • If you know that the APINAME on an a2s_APINAME(s) is have and exact Ansible core module, this a2s API will implement the same parameters from the official API
    • a2s by default will ignore instead of fail if a param that does not exist on the underlinging Ansible module was defined. Please pay attention to wrong paramenters names.
  • Idempotent by default
    • Using a2s will have at least the the same idempotency of the Ansible underlining modules (which already is very good)
    • “An operation is idempotent if the result of performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions.Ansible Glossary for idempotency

Antipatterns of a2s


Undocumented at this moment.